This survey and webpage was prepared for USC Students, Staff, Alumni, and their friends. Thank you for participating with us as we pursue helping students and families become better prepared to deal with the Coronavirus Crisis. The work will help us serve the general public, Essential Critical Workforce families, and students and their families be better equipped. The short video below describes the program.
The survey is anonymous. Your input will not be sold or provided to anyone outside of our core training R&D team. Your answers will help us continuously improve our free training programs.
This survey and webpage was prepared for USC Students, Staff, Alumni, and their friends. Thank you for participating with us as we pursue helping students and families become better prepared to deal with the Coronavirus Crisis. The work will help us serve the general public, Essential Critical Workforce families, and students and their families be better equipped. The short video below describes the program.
The surey is anonymous. Your input will not be sold or provided to anyone outside of our core training R&D team. Your answers will help us continuously improve our free training programs.
Please respond using the following scale for each question. There are no right answers. We wish to identify as many topics as we can to help inform our collaborating families and Critical and Essential Infrastructure workers. You input is very valuable.