Narcan Resources for Opioid Overdoses
There are more than 10 opioid overdose deaths per hour in the United States. Opioids act on area of the brain that drive breathing. The brain and vital organs begin to die without oxygen after 3-4 minutes. Narcan reverses opioid overdose almost immediately.
Everyone including licensed caregivers need know the latest information about reversing an opioid overdose. Please watch the following videos to understand what you can do to save a life.
The first video below describes how to use Narcan. Please pay attention to the detail. The very first step is to call 911 for Emergency Medical Services.
The second video below describes the opioid epidemic. It is out of date as there were 100,000 deaths in the United States in 2021 and the number is growing. We will providing an updated video shortly, however this program gives one an impression of this growing problem.